Privacy Policy

1. Responsible for data processing

The person responsible for processing the data is Existencia Positiva – Unipessoal Lda, hereinafter referred to as Vibrant Porto Apartments, with tax identification number 515390470. The contact details for the head office are as follows:

Address: Rua Dr.º Júlio Pires, n.º 25, 5.º, Dt.º Frente, 4435-005 Rio Tinto

You can contact us via email or in writing at the head office address.


2. Recipients of the Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is intended for Customers, Suppliers, Partners, Users of the Reservation Website and other external entities with whom Vibrant Porto Apartments establishes relationships.


3. How Vibrant Porto Apartments obtains your personal data

3.1 Telephone

Data considered personal from Customers, Suppliers, Partners, Users of the Reservation Website and other external entities, provided through this means of communication.

3.2 Email

Data considered personal from Customers, Suppliers, Partners, Users of the Reservation Website and other external entities.

3.3 Reservation Website

Data considered personal (name, email, telephone, address, tax numbers, etc.) by filling in the contact form or by filling in the order shipping fields.


4. For what purpose do we process your data

At Vibrant Porto Apartments we will process your data in accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) and Law No. 58/2019 and No. 59/2019, manually and/or automated for the following purposes:

• Respond to queries, doubts presented or any request made by email or through any of the contact methods available to you.
• Comply with legally established contractual obligations.

The content of communications, such as products or services, will be personalized according to the Customer’s interests.


5. How long will we keep the data

Vibrant Porto Apartments will only keep your data for as long as the contractual relationship lasts and there is a mutual interest and, subsequently, during the legally established deadlines for the resolution of possible responsibilities arising therefrom. If there is a request for – and if legally possible – the deletion of your data, it will be deleted with the appropriate security measure to guarantee the pseudominization of the data or its total destruction.

Data relating to payments and invoicing will be maintained within the deadlines established by the respective economic/accounting and tax regulations.


6. What legitimizes to process the data

Execution of the contract / Legal obligations

With regard to transactions for the purchase/sale of services/products, the data collected is mandatory for their execution. In this sense, the interested party is obliged to provide the data necessary for its execution. If you do not provide us with this data, it will not be possible to carry out the commercial transaction.


Whenever Vibrant Porto Apartments needs to use, store or process personal data, which are not strictly necessary for established contracts or for different purposes than the initial ones, it requires your consent. The withdrawal of consent to the processing of additional data by the Customer will not condition the execution of the purchase and sale contract concluded between the Customer and Vibrant Porto Apartments.

Response to ARCO rights

Response to the exercise of ARCO rights, queries and complaints by the interested party.


7. To which recipients can we transfer the data

Vibrant Porto Apartments does not, under any circumstances, sell data from Customers, Suppliers, Partners, Reservation Website Users and other external entities to third parties. Data may be made available to subcontractors that provide services to Vibrant Porto Apartments. All of them have regularized access to this data with us for the purpose exclusively described here.

We may also transfer data to Administrations and Public Bodies, when required by tax, labor, Social Security or any other applicable regulations.

Your data will be communicated in cases where it is necessary to fulfill the established contractual relationship and in cases provided for by law. International data transfers to recipients located in countries outside the European Economic Area, including countries that provide a level of data protection equivalent to that of the European Union, are not foreseen.


8. How Vibrant Porto Apartments protects your data

The Vibrant Porto Apartments declares that it has adopted all necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data it processes, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration and/or access by unauthorized third parties.


9. What are your rights in relation to personal data

You have the following rights, which can be exercised via the email address

Right of access

You have the right to be confirmed whether at Vibrant Porto Apartments we are processing your personal data, as well as to access the personal data that Vibrant Porto Apartments holds.

Right to rectification

You have the right to request that Vibrant Porto Apartments rectify personal data when it is inaccurate or complete it when it is incomplete.

Right to cancel/right to be forgotten

You can ask us to delete personal data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Right of limitation

You have the right to request the limitation of data processing, in which we will only retain it for the exercise or defense of claims.

Right to portability

You have the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit it to another person responsible when the processing is based on consent and carried out by automated means.

This right refers to data provided by you.

Right to object

You can object to the processing of personal data based on a public or legitimate interest pursued by Vibrant Porto Apartments, including the creation of profiles. In this case, Vibrant Porto Apartments will no longer process the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defense of possible claims.

Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD).

CNPD – National Data Protection Commission

Rua de São Bento no. 148-3º 1200-821 Lisbon


Vibrant Porto Apartments undertakes to respond to your request as quickly as possible and within a maximum period of one month.

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